Margaret Schaut

One more conservative viewpoint on the world at large.

Archive for barak obama

Killing off America? Death to the GOP!!!

dead gop

dead gop

The left just doesn’t get it. Not everyone in America likes the Dominatrix Model of Fascism! The move to the left in both parties is so far, so extreme, that Bill Clinton is looking conservative! There are people who are being legally and financially punished for speaking out against the gay pride movement, where even our Christian heritage is being persecuted and schools becoming ‘gay recruitment farms’.

I used to not care much about the Gay Pride movement, my attitude was ‘do what you want, just keep it out of my face.’ I thought it was better to keep it away from children, for the same reason that I wouldn’t leave a very young girl alone with a man. What people did in their bedrooms was none of my business, and I preferred to keep it that way.

But, that’s NOT what happened.

How we ‘feminists’ fought workplace sexual harrassment! We came a very long way, and yet now we (and our children) are actually subjected, and BY LAW, to a much greater, much worse, form of sexual harrassment- LGBT, the laws they are getting passed, the infiltration of our public schools, the blatant public mockery of every single non-gay value.

Even the very words bring to mind sexual images that I really could do without, images that are frankly, mentally sexually abusive. Our children and grandchildren are subject to those images and ‘justifications’ at younger and younger ages, through television, internet and predation. We cannot even permit them to go to public schools if we prefer their minds to develop normally, without the bizarre mockery of human sexuality, family and religion that this movement forces upon us.

The extreme left doesn’t want us to just accept them as part of our society, they want to DOMINATE it, in a type of sadist/masochist relationship AND they want us to like it.


I saw a bumpersticker saying “if you tell me I cannot love, I’ll hate you forever.” No one is saying these people cannot love, but they know that. Its just one more ‘poor victim me’ dissimulation from the truth, an obfuscation designed to let people know that somebody’s feelings might get hurt.

But what of their ‘rights’? They have, and always have had, the same ‘rights’ to marry as anyone else has. For purposes of reproduction, no one can marry their father, brother, mother, sister, first cousin, aunt, uncle, grandparent, niece or nephew, or someone of the same sex.

What has been given to them is NEW rights; rights that no one wants or needs, that are unnecessary to accomplish what they say they want, that serves no benefit to bringing about future generations of Americans. Contract law, both corporate and civilian, would be sufficient to accomplish their goals.

And the GOP, including Schwarzenegger, has followed the Democratic lemmings, like Barak Obama, all headed off the cliff. They have given us John McCain- a candidate who cannot be trusted in any way, stands for NOTHING, and in all things important is just as limp-wristed as the gay pride McCain supporters he meets with clandestinely. This, probably because Christians STILL remember that McCain said they are the ‘agents of intolerance.‘ Not just pretty words, evidently. He NEEDS the gay vote.

So, McCain is fine with being an extremists’ extremist on the left, just as long as his handlers can make a convincing case that he’ll DO SOMETHING for, throw some pathetic bone to, the conservative side of America. As long as his infanticide position isn’t as extreme as Obama’s. Promoting his strong suit– war, and nuclear war at that! Promoting extremely damaging economic policies he knows NOTHING about. Continuing the same fascist policies, like the Patriot Act or FISA, of the Bush administration and participating full-tilt-boogie in destroying the Constitution and Bill of Rights.


It really is way past time that the GOP died. It is happening, and like a suicidal maniac they seem to be doing EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to kill itself off.

Now there is an organized Conservative Rebellion. Vast numbers of Americans are READY to vote third party and intend to do so. We have terrific conservative candidates, like Chuck Baldwin and leaders like Ron Paul. We have, FINALLY, a DEMAND FOR REDRESS to hold our government accountable for repeatedly violating the law of the land, the Constitution of the United States.

If you, too, are sick of the games our politicians are playing I suggest you throw your cards in with these movements. Almost HALF of Americans will be voting third party, (and that’s from the neo-con mouthpiece, Fox!) in some states like Michigan the number is 70%. We want AMERICA back!

Fascists of ANY STRIPE BE WARNED: We will NOT let you take our country away from us.

Depression & Detroit’s Economic Miracle

Yes, inflationary depression is eating away our country state by state. With glad-hand republican politics and dumb-blonde democratic politics, the party games are chewing up Michigan like NO OTHER STATE.

But there is much more to the story, and you can be sure, with the candidates we have running for office, this amazing depression will be coming soon to a country near you.

Watch the video and THINK IT OVER.  Will an Obama presidency get us ANYTHING else? Given his flight from commitment to FISA, when money was dangled in front of his nose, he’s definitely ‘a player’ FAST and LOOSE, and will play things any way he needs to to get what he wants. Obama would make a GREAT Detroit Mayor. When (or IF) we get rid of the corrupted one we have, we’ll be back in the market for another.

The legacy of the black power movement. Detroit was its FIRST real test, its first achievement. First Detroit, and then the country. Detroit’s economic miracle: much too high taxes, much too much bumbling government, and an understanding of the State Constitution measuring someplace near the understanding of our imported moose, a completely worthless attorney general and corrupt legal system, being AVIDLY FOLLOWED by our supermodel governor and the petty, lay-down-for-any-dollar-you-can-get ‘representative’ minions.  Being sucked dry by this government, tax increases burdening the citizens that remain in the state, Grand Rapids boom won’t last long.

Even at $100 each, houses in Detroit are NO BARGAIN. Soon that will be true of all of the state, because by running the entire state like they run Detroit, that’s the only future Michigan has.

Don’t forget- not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. MLK

The Most Courageous Political Question Ever Asked

The divide between the government and the wishes of the people has NEVER been greater. Across the country, 48% of voters are ready to vote third party and in some places, like here in Michigan, over 70% of voters intend to do so. That same amount are worried about the ILLEGAL war, the escalating war, the war that is getting America nowhere but bankrupt; that same number are worried about the economy and WELL THEY SHOULD BE.

That same number are feeling lied to, abused, and misused by all the powers that be.

Yet our media, our political machines, everyone we depend on to handle things properly, are all betraying us at every turn.

During this ‘calm before the storm’ we know the turmoil is COMING, and its right around the corner. We know that what happens in this election will determine the fate of America and the only thing we can ALL agree on is that we don’t like how it looks to us.

In the midst of this, by a politician, I was asked the most courageous, most poignant, most important political question I’d ever heard in my life.

“Where is your HEART?” Linda Goldthorpe asked me.

And THATS the rub, isn’t it? In a world where our hearts can’t even be understood anymore, where our attention and ability to think is so disrupted, where our values have been so chewed up- no matter what they are- by the lies and manipulation of those we trusted, the only thing remaining for us to vote on or with is our HEARTS.

It is truly a dangerous question. Obama for president? He’s on the top ten most corrupted politicians in America list, has bailed out so far on every ‘foundational’ position like FISA as soon as AIPAC or the telecoms dangle the promise of money and backing; promises to make infanticide LAW (despite his ‘expertise’ as a constitutional lawyer), yet the black community’s heart is ‘One of OURS in that White House no matter what the costs.’ The feminist movement’s heart is ‘Infanticide and abortion ENSHRINED into Federal law, even if it costs us the Constitution.’ McCain stands NOWHERE we can believe in or trust, he is the pot calling the kettle black.

They have a right to vote with their hearts- who doesn’t? In fact, that’s all we each have left is what resides there, in our hearts.

Is your heart with the PARTY? With RACE? With GENDER? With your WALLET? With ABORTION? With WAR? Where IS your heart? With FEAR and TORTURE??? Your heart of hearts?

If the economy COLLAPSES, with that change your heart? If our government starts a global NUCLEAR WAR, will that change your heart? If our country turns into a dictatorship from hell, will that change your heart? You had best really look NOW, BEFORE YOU VOTE.

To ask this question in such an awful political year is to position oneself in the most dangerous of places, in the most authentic truth of who Americans ARE. To bring out into our faces what we are willing to sacrifice for the true motivations each of us have.

Bart Stupak , Linda Goldthorpe’s competitor and an incumbent, is totally wrapped up in the issues facing Michigan’s agriculture. As I’ve discussed here before, small farmers are being destroyed across the state, by Federal standards that violate EVERY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT of property owners. The Amish community is being completely destroyed by these things.

And for the Fed, the destruction isn’t happening fast enough. They’ve just sent 13,000 Federal Agents to Michigan, at Michigan’s expense, to speed up this process. The monster is too big, Bart Stupak too small, to save ANYTHING. He’s too involved in the party, in the party politics, too caught up in the monster to make any difference.

The Republican’s complaint of big government is much too little, much too late. Not only has government increased in its size to a Godzilla under their watch, the ones Godzilla tramples under are expected to turn over all their rights, all their wealth, TO Godzilla. The two parties have done this.

We MUST crumble that machine. We won’t do it by more of the same.


The ONLY thing that can save America, no matter where our hearts are, is to RETURN THE GOVERNMENT TO THE PEOPLE.

Where Michigan goes, so goes the country, and Michigan is in a DEPRESSION. ALL of her assets are being SEIZED by government, or purchased by foreigners.  It is harder to buy or sell ANYTHING. It is coming to YOUR state too.

Do we have the HEART to do that? Linda Goldthorpe thinks so. Ron Paul thinks so. Chuck Baldwin thinks so. Bob Barr thinks so.

Its time for us to decide where our hearts truly are because, like it or not, THAT is what will determine the future of our country. If we don’t have the heart for the fight, our enemies surely do.

War Mongering Barak Obama? Nukes for AIPAC?


Antiwar people had high hopes for Barak Obama, and due to the over-influence of AIPAC on our policies, Obama crumpled like a McDonald’s wrapper and promised extreme measures of our American Government on AIPAC’s behalf.

AIPAC was Obama’s FIRST STOP after getting the nomination.

IT is a HUGE FLIP, based on his promises of ending war.

And his namesake, Barak, indicates Israel will WAIT on talks with its neighbors, until next year, after the elections, evidently when they REALLY have some muscle to bargain with.

He’s promising to go after Iran- something Israel could do itself if it so chose. Let’s be clear here- Iran has done NOTHING to us to justify a nuclear attack against them.

If we nuke Iran we have committed a horrifying crime against God, against humanity, against the planet.

He’s promising Israel ANOTHER 30 billion dollars for their defense- almost none of the investment we’ve made in them up to now has been spent. We spend, AND we do their defending. A double-whammy.

Now we are told our economy WILL COLLAPSE within three months and he’s promising Israel TENS OF BILLIONS MORE?

There it is. We build up their defense, bankrupting ourselves, and then spend at least that much more defending THEM. We create a GLOBAL WAR, all for Israel?

Once we’re bankrupt, they will STILL have all we gave them. They won’t be coming to OUR defense, you can be sure.

What do American interests have to do with AIPAC’s? Only this: they can buy and sell our politicians. By doing so they can threaten the free world, they can spend OUR money any way they like, they can tamper with our elections and they can make EVERY American interest answer to them.

Time for America to rid itself of the leach called AIPAC. Its bleeding us to death.

American interests and AIPAC interests have TOTALLY diverged. The case for their similarity is pathetically inadequate to justify ANY of this. Furthermore, WHY SHOULD ANY AMERICAN POLITICIAN be running to them? Shouldn’t AIPAC wait on our politicians like everyone else?

Its time for REAL STATESMEN who KNOW the truth about our country, what we’re really facing, what’s actually happening, and what will ACTUALLY work to help us. No more AIPAC puppets. There are altogether too many of those in our government now.

These aren’t kids games, here. These aren’t issues American Idol can solve. These are dangerous, TREACHEROUS, and REQUIRE COURAGE, INTELLIGENCE, AND EXPERIENCE.

Waffling and pussy-footing will take America DOWN. There are all too many people that would LOVE to see that.

McCain Courting Conservative Independents? You Gave us less than NOTHING.


Interesting how politics relies so heavily on the language of romance and fantasy to get its ‘point’ across.

In the world of ‘courting’ one expects the beau to at least show up with flowers.

In the case of the GOP, McCain and his puppet-masters, who are now ‘aggressively courting’ us-independents, conservatives, libertarians, constitutionalists, Ron Paul supporters; well -they gave us less than nothing. They slapped us around. They betrayed us. They stabbed us in the back. They demand allegiance to the UN government. They made their own citizens enemies of their government. They insulted us. They ignored us and our reasonable requests. They despised our young people. They lied TO us. They lied ABOUT us. They stole from us. They stole our Constitution. They stole our Bill of Rights. They stole our votes. They stole our delegates. They stole our air time. They lied to take our kids off to war. They gave us torture as an approved legal technique. They lied to make their war-monger buddies rich. They stole and squandered our tax money. They break the very laws they write. They defamed our reputations, ridiculed and mocked our BEDROCK American values, our energy, diligence, hard work and all our investment. They STEAL elections if they can’t earn them honestly. Unfortunately, the list goes on and on.

We’ve been through this before, of course. Pro-life causes got treated the same way. Christian causes got treated the same way. We WATCHED the GOP rape and pillage those two important groups. We learned.

We need more proof than those saps did- we can’t live on hope in your lies.

So, you come here to us because you NEED what we have, you NEED us, you expect us to MARRY you?

If you’re not here for us when we NEED you, what the hell do we need YOU for?


You BET you need us. You need us FAR MORE than we need you. Any of you could all flush the country down the same toilet as Bush, there is no discernible difference between ANY of you. Vote for you, vote for him, NO DIFFERENCE. So, aside from all that abuse, what HAVE you done for any of us lately?

Any self respecting father would toss a boyfriend out on his ear that came around treating his daughter like that and then expecting more.

What you give us in exchange for our votes is … what… the THREAT that if we don’t back you, Barak Hussein Obama will be the next president?

We told you that all along- GOP, give us a GOOD candidate or we’ll be looking at a Hillary or Obama presidency.

But you didn’t listen, you didn’t care enough to take care of business at the right time, you wanted to use that argument to FORCE us where we didn’t want to go.

You ABUSED US for the last time.

Not this time, pal. You made your bed with the Hillary supporters, now you lie with them.

We’re off to find some REAL men.


Ron Paul Obama Voters are Political Nukes Targets

The people are clearly seeing that the candidates of THEIR preference are in the political battles of their lives. In the bid for the most powerful position in the world, the stakes are HIGH, and the truth is that what the American voters want is NOT what they’re going to get.

A sign of how serious this is? The term ‘nuclear option’ in the political arena.

Since her husband is no longer in office, when Clinton speaks of the nuclear option against Barak Obama, it is an ‘allegorical’ allusion. Make no mistake about it, though, the woman INTENDS, no matter WHAT, to be the FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT, and she will brook NO INTERFERENCE with that ambition. One wonders, indeed, how it would work if her ‘better half’ were still in office…

We can see THAT with Bush/McCain. He, too, is NOT HAPPY that the PEOPLE are ‘raining on his coronation’ and holding him accountable to laws he wrote. Bush is NOT HAPPY with the situation and committed a crime in order to keep things ‘on track.’

However, and this is where it gets REALLY scary- for Bush, the election term ‘nuclear option’ is NOT JUST PRETTY WORDS. Frantic meetings of the GOP powers-that-be have convinced them that the people just don’t see it their way. Party faithful are bailing in favor of almost ANYONE that talks sense about our world, highly respected former Republicans have announced Third Party candidacy- in the event Ron Paul ‘disappeared’ his people would STILL have excellent choices- and the GOP KNOWS THEY AREN’T COMING BACK.

In the Democratic arena, the battle to the death between Clinton and Obama is almost meaningless: Diebold has NO INTENTION of a democratic presidency and will not permit one.

But the fight among the Republicans is of an entirely DIFFERENT LEVEL.

The GOP as it stands will have a true following corresponding with Bush’s popularity level. This is the best it gets with the party in such a bitter battle. Diebold’s President won’t even be able to FAKE support.

What to do? Texas knows. Think Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Think New York City, New York. Think Texas City, Texas.

What??? Texas City, Texas?????????

They’ve noticed a correspondence between refinery events in Texas City and soaring Oil profits and prices. There are others.

But the GOP POLITICAL Nuclear option-to-end-all-optionsGUARANTEES an end to all debate.

McCain is a CRIMINAL, STILL People Say Ron Paul is a NUT

With McCain PROVEN to be a Criminal, and Bush obstructing justice right along with him; with Obama ADMITTEDLY only a PUBIC HAIR of difference from them; STILL people are saying that it is Ron Paul that is the nut, and so are the people that LOVE him! Only NUTS will support politicians who prove themselves above any law, and therefore it is the McCain Republicans that are NUTS and KOOKS.

The herd mentality that got us into the horrible mess we’re in still has its claws deep into the hearts and minds of the media-mind people.

Yet, their wallets, the foreclosures in their mailboxes, the pink slips from the closing businesses where they’ve worked for decades, is starting to make people VERY UNCOMFORTABLE.

Things are definitely crumbling for the parties. They have to FIGHT LIKE HELL to keep their delegates for their annointed criminal king- the PEOPLE don’t want more of the same. They’re fighting like crazy over Obama/ Clinton, another ‘pubic hairs width’ difference in the armed madhouse that used to be the White House.

This thing is slipping through the hands of the parties like sand. There is a LOT that can happen between now and the actual nomination. McCain can get sick, have a stroke, even die. More dirt can come out on Obama, people might actually begin to notice how the Clinton’s committed the worst act of political treason in American History- Chinagate.

Ron Paul is STILL STANDING. And because he is still standing- HE CAN WIN.

Make your voice known. Bring this page up to #1 with your comments. Email it to everyone that has an opinion. Let’s stand up and continue to be noticed.

Life Or Death Without the Constitution and Rule of Law

What difference does it make to have governance without the Constitution? For some people it makes the difference between being permitted to die with dignity, or being killed in the most painful way possible.

The Constitution GUARANTEES the RIGHT to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This BELONGS to every person in America and no law is supposed to supercede that.

In the case of Terri Schaivo, and now Lauren Richardson, there is NO LONGER a Constitutional protection for their very lives.

If the Constitution were in force, there would need to be a HUGE amount of VERIFIABLE information that Terri Schaivo and Lauren Richardson were abdicating that most basic of rights.  There was absolutely NONE of that in the Schaivo case, and there is NONE of that in the Richardson case, either.

Because the Constitution is no longer in effect, these women are now dependent on lawyers making ‘better arguments’ with philosophy and ethics, in front of judges that have their own ‘opinions’ and are no longer bound by law or evidence.

Barak Obama proclaimed loud and long that the WORST MISTAKE HE EVER MADE IN HIS LIFE was advocating for Terri Schaivo’s RIGHT as an American Citizen, to her life.

John McCain has decided to take on ‘evil’, but ignores the great evil taking place in his own country, and the oath of office he will be taking (and has taken) to uphold and defend the Constitution. Ignores the GREAT EVIL that means not only our lives are no longer sacred to our own country, but that we NO LONGER HAVE A RULE OF LAW.

It is beside the point that Lauren’s own mother has no compassion on her daughter and her condition, that she has no interest in putting her convenience aside to hope that Lauren, a beautiful young woman, can recover some of her very precious life, and perhaps even participate in raising her baby.

Without the solid basis of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, we are ALL at risk of being declared ‘undesirable’ and ‘worthy of death,’ all at risk of being denied food and water because it is too costly, time consuming, or inconvenient for someone else.

Justice Antonin Scalia declares that torture, by our own government, is NOT cruel and unusual PUNISHMENT, his reasoning being is that the victim isn’t being PUNISHED for anything.

That can be said of both Lauren Richardson AND Terri Schaivo. Terri died a torturous death; Lauren is at risk of going down that same road, but it isn’t ‘cruel and unusual PUNISHMENT, because neither of these women have done something WRONG.’

This is the foothold eugenics needs to begin to bear some really hideous fruit.

NO set of LAWS that our representatives or judges are obliged to uphold any longer, means that any one of us can be treated in the most horrible of ways as long as we’ve done nothing wrongful enough to be PUNISHED.

The representatives and our judges have VIOLATED their oaths of office and people are dying horrible, torturous deaths with no end on sight.

Is this REALLY satisfactory to you? Do YOU want to die that way?

Crumbling Parties: Is the ‘Come Uppance’ on the Way?

I’ve said this frequently, it is a bizarre political year and the parties are on their way DOWN.

Ron Paul people, have been gaining delegates, putting the GOP in an uproar, and showing that party for the hypocrite and anti-people enemy it has become.

But before anyone laughs at the GOP problems the democratic party is in just as bad of shape. They’ve decided to get a ‘pro-life in name only’ democrat, Tony Campolo to join in and ‘explore’ putting a life plank in- probably to try to make inroads to the pro-life movement which is very unhappy with McCain and now expects the GOP to betray that interest ONE MORE TIME.

Clinton, blindly ambitious at ANY COST, is threatening the ‘nuclear option’ against Obama delegates, supporters of a nincompoop who doesn’t have a plank to actually stand on, even when it is provided for him.

Despite all this, the ONE THING that is totally forgotten by both parties is:


They want the parties to listen to THEM- the Presidential election would look VERY DIFFERENT if the parties DID listen.

They want to get out of the war. They want the troops HOME.

They want their economy REPAIRED. They want America rebuilt.

They want their own work, their own income, their own commitments to benefit themselves, their family, their country.

They want small government; they want their Constitution BACK.

They want their RIGHTS.

They want trade policies that are fair and balanced, and keep jobs HERE. Fairness in pay for the rich versus pay for the workers.

They want the necessities of life, food, gas, utilities, to be affordable.

They want to have GENUINE, not CORPORATE, health care. They want their property saved, not the wealthy. They want the right to farm, to keep government off their backs; to freely travel, work and build a business without raids, laws and idiots coming in and running them out of business; they want the former freedom from illegal search and seizure, from illegal militias, from borrowing from our enemies to make the war machine people rich.

The parties are failing, can’t keep it together, and there is no reason they SHOULD. Both together have VIOLATED everything it means to be an American.

We watch with interest as power slips from the hands of the elites. The people are gathering for a true come-uppance, and the power brokers that ignore us will regret their decision this time.

In His Own Words: Obama for President? You SURE?

From Dreams of My Father: “I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.”

From Dreams of My Father : “I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mothers race.”

From Dreams of My Father: “There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.”

From Dreams of My Father: ; “It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.”

From Dreams of My Father: “I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn’t speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.”

From Audacity of Hope: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”