Margaret Schaut

One more conservative viewpoint on the world at large.

Archive for chuck baldwin

Killing off America? Death to the GOP!!!

dead gop

dead gop

The left just doesn’t get it. Not everyone in America likes the Dominatrix Model of Fascism! The move to the left in both parties is so far, so extreme, that Bill Clinton is looking conservative! There are people who are being legally and financially punished for speaking out against the gay pride movement, where even our Christian heritage is being persecuted and schools becoming ‘gay recruitment farms’.

I used to not care much about the Gay Pride movement, my attitude was ‘do what you want, just keep it out of my face.’ I thought it was better to keep it away from children, for the same reason that I wouldn’t leave a very young girl alone with a man. What people did in their bedrooms was none of my business, and I preferred to keep it that way.

But, that’s NOT what happened.

How we ‘feminists’ fought workplace sexual harrassment! We came a very long way, and yet now we (and our children) are actually subjected, and BY LAW, to a much greater, much worse, form of sexual harrassment- LGBT, the laws they are getting passed, the infiltration of our public schools, the blatant public mockery of every single non-gay value.

Even the very words bring to mind sexual images that I really could do without, images that are frankly, mentally sexually abusive. Our children and grandchildren are subject to those images and ‘justifications’ at younger and younger ages, through television, internet and predation. We cannot even permit them to go to public schools if we prefer their minds to develop normally, without the bizarre mockery of human sexuality, family and religion that this movement forces upon us.

The extreme left doesn’t want us to just accept them as part of our society, they want to DOMINATE it, in a type of sadist/masochist relationship AND they want us to like it.


I saw a bumpersticker saying “if you tell me I cannot love, I’ll hate you forever.” No one is saying these people cannot love, but they know that. Its just one more ‘poor victim me’ dissimulation from the truth, an obfuscation designed to let people know that somebody’s feelings might get hurt.

But what of their ‘rights’? They have, and always have had, the same ‘rights’ to marry as anyone else has. For purposes of reproduction, no one can marry their father, brother, mother, sister, first cousin, aunt, uncle, grandparent, niece or nephew, or someone of the same sex.

What has been given to them is NEW rights; rights that no one wants or needs, that are unnecessary to accomplish what they say they want, that serves no benefit to bringing about future generations of Americans. Contract law, both corporate and civilian, would be sufficient to accomplish their goals.

And the GOP, including Schwarzenegger, has followed the Democratic lemmings, like Barak Obama, all headed off the cliff. They have given us John McCain- a candidate who cannot be trusted in any way, stands for NOTHING, and in all things important is just as limp-wristed as the gay pride McCain supporters he meets with clandestinely. This, probably because Christians STILL remember that McCain said they are the ‘agents of intolerance.‘ Not just pretty words, evidently. He NEEDS the gay vote.

So, McCain is fine with being an extremists’ extremist on the left, just as long as his handlers can make a convincing case that he’ll DO SOMETHING for, throw some pathetic bone to, the conservative side of America. As long as his infanticide position isn’t as extreme as Obama’s. Promoting his strong suit– war, and nuclear war at that! Promoting extremely damaging economic policies he knows NOTHING about. Continuing the same fascist policies, like the Patriot Act or FISA, of the Bush administration and participating full-tilt-boogie in destroying the Constitution and Bill of Rights.


It really is way past time that the GOP died. It is happening, and like a suicidal maniac they seem to be doing EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to kill itself off.

Now there is an organized Conservative Rebellion. Vast numbers of Americans are READY to vote third party and intend to do so. We have terrific conservative candidates, like Chuck Baldwin and leaders like Ron Paul. We have, FINALLY, a DEMAND FOR REDRESS to hold our government accountable for repeatedly violating the law of the land, the Constitution of the United States.

If you, too, are sick of the games our politicians are playing I suggest you throw your cards in with these movements. Almost HALF of Americans will be voting third party, (and that’s from the neo-con mouthpiece, Fox!) in some states like Michigan the number is 70%. We want AMERICA back!

Fascists of ANY STRIPE BE WARNED: We will NOT let you take our country away from us.

The Most Courageous Political Question Ever Asked

The divide between the government and the wishes of the people has NEVER been greater. Across the country, 48% of voters are ready to vote third party and in some places, like here in Michigan, over 70% of voters intend to do so. That same amount are worried about the ILLEGAL war, the escalating war, the war that is getting America nowhere but bankrupt; that same number are worried about the economy and WELL THEY SHOULD BE.

That same number are feeling lied to, abused, and misused by all the powers that be.

Yet our media, our political machines, everyone we depend on to handle things properly, are all betraying us at every turn.

During this ‘calm before the storm’ we know the turmoil is COMING, and its right around the corner. We know that what happens in this election will determine the fate of America and the only thing we can ALL agree on is that we don’t like how it looks to us.

In the midst of this, by a politician, I was asked the most courageous, most poignant, most important political question I’d ever heard in my life.

“Where is your HEART?” Linda Goldthorpe asked me.

And THATS the rub, isn’t it? In a world where our hearts can’t even be understood anymore, where our attention and ability to think is so disrupted, where our values have been so chewed up- no matter what they are- by the lies and manipulation of those we trusted, the only thing remaining for us to vote on or with is our HEARTS.

It is truly a dangerous question. Obama for president? He’s on the top ten most corrupted politicians in America list, has bailed out so far on every ‘foundational’ position like FISA as soon as AIPAC or the telecoms dangle the promise of money and backing; promises to make infanticide LAW (despite his ‘expertise’ as a constitutional lawyer), yet the black community’s heart is ‘One of OURS in that White House no matter what the costs.’ The feminist movement’s heart is ‘Infanticide and abortion ENSHRINED into Federal law, even if it costs us the Constitution.’ McCain stands NOWHERE we can believe in or trust, he is the pot calling the kettle black.

They have a right to vote with their hearts- who doesn’t? In fact, that’s all we each have left is what resides there, in our hearts.

Is your heart with the PARTY? With RACE? With GENDER? With your WALLET? With ABORTION? With WAR? Where IS your heart? With FEAR and TORTURE??? Your heart of hearts?

If the economy COLLAPSES, with that change your heart? If our government starts a global NUCLEAR WAR, will that change your heart? If our country turns into a dictatorship from hell, will that change your heart? You had best really look NOW, BEFORE YOU VOTE.

To ask this question in such an awful political year is to position oneself in the most dangerous of places, in the most authentic truth of who Americans ARE. To bring out into our faces what we are willing to sacrifice for the true motivations each of us have.

Bart Stupak , Linda Goldthorpe’s competitor and an incumbent, is totally wrapped up in the issues facing Michigan’s agriculture. As I’ve discussed here before, small farmers are being destroyed across the state, by Federal standards that violate EVERY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT of property owners. The Amish community is being completely destroyed by these things.

And for the Fed, the destruction isn’t happening fast enough. They’ve just sent 13,000 Federal Agents to Michigan, at Michigan’s expense, to speed up this process. The monster is too big, Bart Stupak too small, to save ANYTHING. He’s too involved in the party, in the party politics, too caught up in the monster to make any difference.

The Republican’s complaint of big government is much too little, much too late. Not only has government increased in its size to a Godzilla under their watch, the ones Godzilla tramples under are expected to turn over all their rights, all their wealth, TO Godzilla. The two parties have done this.

We MUST crumble that machine. We won’t do it by more of the same.


The ONLY thing that can save America, no matter where our hearts are, is to RETURN THE GOVERNMENT TO THE PEOPLE.

Where Michigan goes, so goes the country, and Michigan is in a DEPRESSION. ALL of her assets are being SEIZED by government, or purchased by foreigners.  It is harder to buy or sell ANYTHING. It is coming to YOUR state too.

Do we have the HEART to do that? Linda Goldthorpe thinks so. Ron Paul thinks so. Chuck Baldwin thinks so. Bob Barr thinks so.

Its time for us to decide where our hearts truly are because, like it or not, THAT is what will determine the future of our country. If we don’t have the heart for the fight, our enemies surely do.

The Truly Astounding List of Catastrophes the GOP Has Saved us From!

dead gop

A friend, Chuck Baldwin, sent out an exquisite outline of all the dreadful catastrophes that the GOP has saved us from already in THIS election year. Our gratitude is unbounded. You know.

Here is Chuck:

“I think it is time that we all stood up and gave the Republican Party a big round of applause. I mean, they have done us all a huge favor. By an overwhelming majority, the GOP has prevented a potential plague from enveloping these United States of America, and I think it is time that we acknowledged it. Yes, the GOP stopped a potential catastrophe.
Without the combined efforts of millions of Republicans, there is no telling what kind of disaster might have ensued. Let’s hear it for the GOP! Hip Hip Hooray!

For a few minutes there, I thought the GOP might have lost its mind, but I am glad to report that all is well with the Republican Party. The international bankers and oil companies, and the military-industrial complex, as well as the presidents of Mexico and Canada, can breathe easy. With John McCain as the presumptive Republican nominee, the globalist power brokers who have dominated the last three Presidential administrations can know that they are still
in charge. There will be no changing of the guard this November.

It was scary there for a while. You see, there was this kook who was running for the Republican nomination that had the potential to upset the applecart real good. But thankfully, the fine people within the GOP rose to the occasion and beat back the attempts of his nutty supporters to vault him to the nomination.

After all, just think what would have taken place if this kook Ron Paul had won the Republican nomination for President. This nut case actually believes that the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Imagine that. That means he would never take America to war except with a Declaration of War by Congress. Think how such a thing would prevent America’s meddling and interventionism worldwide. Think of the billions and even trillions of tax dollars that would not need to be spent overseas. Think of how much money Halliburton would lose. Think of how much money the Federal Reserve bankers would lose by not being able to loan money to the U.S. government. It is too ghastly to think about.

((What would Iraq do without us???))

Furthermore, this Ron Paul nut might have actually insisted that the federal government declare unborn babies to be “persons” under the law. Think of it. This would mean that every unborn baby would have the immediate protection of law. And this would have happened without the necessity of appointing a single Supreme Court justice. Whew! The Republican Party dodged a bullet on that one. Now they can continue to talk about being “pro-life” for the next thirty years in order to fool Christian conservatives into voting for them without having to actually do anything about it.

This Ron Paul kook would also have put a stop to the incessant spying on the American people by their own federal government. Egad! This Paul character would have set America back two hundred years. Think of it. No more illegal wiretaps. No more reading private emails, letters, and telegrams. No more harassment by the BATFE of law-abiding firearms dealers for honest errors in paperwork. No more using the wars on “terror” and “drugs” to violate the Fourth Amendment. Think of the money that would be lost by the feds not confiscating the private property of the American people.

In addition, if this Ron Paul nut had actually become President, he might have succeeded in abolishing the Internal Revenue Service and overturning the Sixteenth Amendment. Holy Horrors! Can you imagine the tragedy that would have ensued? No more income taxes. No more tax forms to fill out. No more IRS agents arresting hard-working citizens for “tax evasion.” No more government tracking of our private financial transactions. Think of the US attorneys whose services would no longer be necessary. Imagine that. The federal government would actually be required to live within its means; it could no longer raise taxes, because there would be no more taxes to raise.

And if all of the above is not bad enough, this Ron Paul kook would actually demand that the federal government obey the Tenth Amendment. This, all by itself, would reduce the size and scope of the federal government by at least fifty percent. Imagine if the American people suddenly had the federal government out of their pocketbooks and off their backs? What would they do with all that newfound freedom? It is too scary to contemplate.

Do not worry, however. Thanks to the fine men and women of the Republican Party, John McCain will carry their standard into the November elections. Yes, my dear friends, David Rockefeller and his fellow travelers at the Council on Foreign Relations can rest easy. Should McCain win the general election, they will retain their influence in the White House. Indeed, we can all rest easier knowing that John McCain will be the Republican nominee for President.

After all, John McCain will see to it that our borders and ports remain open to illegal aliens. In fact, a McCain Presidency will ensure that illegal aliens become permanent U.S. citizens. Or better yet, that the U.S. and Mexico will be merged into a North American Community, thus eliminating the need for U.S. citizenship altogether. This will greatly help the Chamber of Commerce and Big Business. Think of the money they can save by hiring cheap Mexican labor. Think of the plants and factories that can be moved to Mexico. Think of the cheap Chinese goods that can be loaded onto Mexican trucks from Mexican ports and shipped into the United States on the NAFTA superhighways.

And did I mention the advantage a John McCain Presidency will provide to incumbents in future elections? Because John McCain does not believe in the U.S. Constitution, the First Amendment means nothing to him. This is good, because he can use the bully pulpit of the Presidency to promote his McCain/Feingold bill that would make it illegal for citizens to voice their concerns and opinions regarding the voting records of incumbents during a general election. That means those sinister organizations such as the National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America will no longer be able to publicly promote
their views regarding the anti-Second Amendment voting records of congressmen and senators.

That Ron Paul kook would never have tolerated such a law as McCain/Feingold. But thanks to the fine men and women of the Republican Party, we do not need to worry about these little inconveniences such as the First and Second Amendments (or any of the other articles within the Bill of Rights, for that matter), because they wisely selected John McCain to be their standard-bearer.

Furthermore, because the good men and women of the GOP decided to nominate John McCain, we can look forward to one hundred years of war in the Middle East. We can all anticipate the opportunity of sending our troops into harm’s way all over the world to promote the interests of international corporations, nation-building, and other U.N. machinations.

Had that nut Ron Paul been elected, he would have practiced a non-interventionist foreign policy. He would have sought peace with all nations. And, instead of preemptively invading foreign countries, he would have dealt constitutionally with terrorists, resulting in their capture or death, the protection of America, the absence of long-term war, and the respect of nations throughout the world. Furthermore, that nut Paul would have refused to use U.S. forces to do the bidding of the United Nations and other international entities.

However, we do not need to worry about old-fashioned, out-of-date ideas such as constitutional government, conservative principles, or common sense, because the fine men and women of the Republican Party wisely chose John McCain as their presumptive Presidential nominee. Yes, indeed. Let’s hear it for the GOP!”