Margaret Schaut

One more conservative viewpoint on the world at large.

Archive for rfid chips

RFID Chips? That’s SO 2008!



They’ve just finished denying that RFID chips are real, and now we discover that that little bit of technology is, well, obsolete.

Well, my fellow Americans, you SUBSPECIES you, let’s begin to grapple with REALITY, shall we?

Moo moo, you Terran herds. The ‘artillects’ are here, with implantable nanoteched brain chips, cyborgs ready for global slaughter, encouraging mothers to kill their babies’ humanity for snob appeal. Its the fashionable thing to do, or you won’t have a ‘baby Einstein.’ Like the aborted unborn, you can expect all the compassion that was shown for the animal that provided your steak last night.

HERE is the reason they want mass approval for embryonic stem cell research. They admit they don’t need the stem cells from the embryos- there are way more than they can use just in umbilical cord blood. They need and WANT the EMBRYOS themselves, to generate cyborgs even before birth. They need them as ‘spare parts farms’ to sustain their new found ‘immortality’.

Neo was SUCH a party pooper, wasn’t he?

Fascism #4: Extraordinary Surveillance of Citizens as Enemies

Heil Bush

Heil Bush

Fascism in America is nearly here, getting closer everyday. Extraordinary or extreme surveillance of citizens, because they are ‘enemies of the state’ are seriously on the rise. Corporate ‘niche’ product creation has certainly contributed, especially because in a large way, the fascism coming upon us is corporatized.

Weapons are the next great contribution to humanity, privatized and corporatized, privatized unconstitutionally, outside of the rule of law.

Their newest ‘invention’ by the ‘creative product development’ types is a taser bracelet, with an RFID chip that holds personal information, which, if implemented, must be worn during travel at airports, and is remotely operated outside of the control of the individual. It goes without saying that it would not be able to be removed once it is in place, because otherwise, what would the point be in having one?

The shock from the tazer is SO STRONG that it ‘immobilizes’ the target for SEVERAL MINUTES- understand that even taser shocks that have killed people had not totally immobilized them for that long!

Now we see the true heinousness of this fascism coming out. In June our ‘president’ issued a Homeland Security Directive that orders biometric data collection on all citizens. The list of information to be stored on those RFID chips makes France’s truckload of documentation look simple.

Aside from the actual security problems in having all that information available to anybody that has a reader, now with the addition of a DEADLY WEAPON to a biometric data chip, we can see the direction that the implantable chips are going.

Therefore, fellow American citizen, YOU will be forced into an implantable data chip with personal information that can be read by nearly any ‘official’, and if you are doing something someone, like a rent-a-cop or crowd control police don’t like, YOU WILL BE TAZERED AND IMMOBILIZED FOR SEVERAL MINUTES.

This could be a pro-life demonstration; an anti-NWO demonstration, an Earth Day celebration, an anti-war demonstration; you could be tazered from outside your church, tazered in school; tazered in the airport, on a plane, on the subway. You could be tazered because somebody doesn’t like you!

YOUR tazer could go off if someone else is ‘targeted’. YOU will NOT be the one in control.

Benign biometric implantable RFID chips were bad enough. Nobody wants their personal and private information available to all comers. Nobody wants to change from a cash society to a cashless fiat electronic currency. However, up until now the biggest reason NOT to have them was for personal privacy. NOW WE SEE THAT THEY WILL ALSO BE ARMED WITH WEAPONS TO CONTROL US.

They are using 9/11 to force compliance, and yet, we have NEVER seen the truth of 9/11 come out, the investigation was stymied, critical knowledge kept away from the people. We have NEVER YET found out anything about the Anthrax Biological Attacks EXCEPT THAT THE DNA STRAIN OF THE DISEASE WAS A MILITARY ONE.

WEAPONIZED RFID chips- a new level of fascist control of the populace, courtesy of ‘our own’ American corporations.

Corporate fascism: not just for dogs anymore.

Intention of One Global Bank Announced

Ron Paul’s predictions are all coming true. Here is a particularly unfortunate one.

It took long enough, but perhaps sooner there wasn’t enough economic misery among the American people to accept this plan as a good idea. It may not be enough misery yet, but to float this idea now, before the economic collapse and/or inflationary depression actually hits, makes it look like the Fed is ‘ready’ and prepared to ‘help’ us.

The NY Federal Reserve President, Timothy Geithner, has obliquely announced the benefit of, and the intention for, a global reserve bank. Of course, he has his own interests, as being the key architect of the HUGELY EXPENSIVE Bear Stearns bailout implies. For the Fed, financial structure over any other interest, any other consideration, is critical, particularly if your goal is to have ONLY ONE GLOBAL BANK.

In what can ONLY be construed as a complaint, given the unbelievable authority over all things economic that our so-called ‘representatives’ just gave the Fed,

“At present the Fed has broad responsibility for financial stability not matched by direct authority and the consequences of the actions we have taken in this crisis make it more important that we close that gap,” Mr Geithner says, in an excerpt of a speech to be delivered today at the Economic Club of New York.

A global bank will need to have assets to back up their system- destroying all the savings, acquiring through foreclosure millions of homes and business properties, buying up assets for pennies on the dollar, ALL ON AMERICAN TAXPAYER FUNDS, explains the flaccid impotence of Bernanke to act in such a way as to protect the American dollar, American assets or the taxpayer financed banking structure.

The ONE WORLD GLOBAL BANK is coming, at YOUR expense. You won’t have any assets left to provide for yourself, your children, your retirement. There will be NOTHING except a depression so great that unless we accept the electronic Amero (or other global currency) funds made available only through implantable electronic RFID chips, you will most likely die of starvation, homelessness or imprisonment.

Welcome to the fruits of the Federal Reserve Banking system.

Summer, Security and Changing Travel

Like you, I’ve received some invitations to pick up and go travel to visit some family and friends this summer, and like you, the stresses of life and a difficult economy have made me NEED a vacation more than ever.

Traveling, and the security issues have changed so much since the Patriot Act and ensuing directives that security issues are a hurdle to consider all by themselves.

America is getting more like Europe every day, where the people have compromised with their governments to have a ‘friendly fascism’ and agree to any and every security measure that the government can dream up. While I was there, it always astonished me how many details I had to remember, how many security gauntlets I had to go through, how uncomfortably INTRUSIVE it all was.

Now, we have all this and more in America. It is a true change. One big difference is that here, these measures are not so ‘friendly.’

In spite of all these fascistic measures, used by the government to ‘protect’ the people, it still did nothing to protect the people from a very serious scourge- pickpocketing!

I thought I was well-prepared for this well-known problem in Paris, I had travelers checks, duplicates of my passport and ID, credit cards. I had a bag that seemed to me to be difficult to get into, I kept my bag where I could see it, kept my attention on it.

On the bus from La Defense on the way to the Louvre, though, just before an interim stop, a young man, preparing to get off the bus came close to me. I felt NOTHING, my bag seemed alright, but I JUST KNEW. I looked at him with… an intense look and he was SHOCKED. He zipped out that door as soon as it slid open and ran so fast….

I got situated and looked into my bag and, yes! Everything was gone. Money, ID, credit cards, traveler’s checks. Bureaucracy of ANY kind in Europe is simply torturous. It took ALL DAY to deal with what I lost. I’m STILL waiting for my traveler’s checks to be reimbursed. Talk about a blot on a trip to the City of Lights! It ruined more than one day, I can tell you!

As that European Spirit of ‘friendly fascism’ descends on America, and rumors of pickpocketing and other crimes in America grow, like purses snatched from church pews and restaurant seats; identity theft, and so on, traveling now takes on a whole new character.

Traveling comfortably, lightly, with easily manageable things are important skills to hone. Now, though, to ignore your personal security is to leave yourself wide open for crime.

I’ve looked long and hard for a purse/ travel bag that would really take care of the security problem. This may or may not be important to you, but it has become increasingly so for me. I’ve looked and looked for good travel accessories- a purse, a backpack, an overnight bag, etc. that really did address my security concerns. I found onesecurity features of my bag that I want to share with you.

pacsafe has made these bags, lightweight, with certain security features that are really useful. My pickpocket managed to get the top of my bag open without even letting me know something was wrong- these bags have secured zippers and clasps that are IMPOSSIBLE to open without notice.

So many times I heard other tourists complaining that someone just used a razor knife to cut their strap and BANG, the bag was GONE. pacsafe has put cabling in their bag’s straps- TWO cables- which means someone would actually have to have large wire cutters to get through both, spaced as they are. The body of the bag cannot be slashed to create an opening, either, because there is an ‘exomesh’ that cannot be cut but that moves and shifts with your bag and protects your contents. It has anchor clips, and you can use your cable straps and anchor clips to secure your bag to your restaurant chair, your belt, or someplace sturdy in the event you will be distracted for a few minutes.

By the way, I earn no money for this. Many of my readers seem to be on the ‘same page’ as I am on so many things, I thought I would share this important preparation for my summer with you.

The bag I have is attractive enough- not a designer ‘to die for’ bag, but it is presentable, if you’re not wearing pearls, but for a more casual look it is just fine. It is light to carry, (my coach bags weigh a ton), and it has all the organizing bells and whistles that are standard fare in any bag.

One thing that it seems to me is missing, though, and that is an RFID cloaking pocket for passports and identification cards. Now with the new chips going into the passports and the driver’s licenses, no matter what the RFID manufacturer’s say, criminals like those pickpockets, who make it their career to find ways to steal from people, will be concentrating very heavily on getting RFID readers and they will be USING them. They may already have them. This is a NEW vulnerability that is being completely ignored or denied, but I say it is an even greater danger than a pickpocket getting a few hundred bucks.

This is the trouble with travel now. The government fears what WE will do to IT, and it cares nothing for what it does to us, how miserable travel has become, how humiliating to go through a search that only convicted felons have had to undergo in previous years, or how vulnerable it makes us.

Pre-emption, Threats, Coercion & Bluffs: REAL ID


Department of Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff reports that ‘most jurisdictions meet initial REAL ID requirements’ according to its press release of April 1, 2008. The press release states “The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has granted extensions to 49 of 50 states, the District of Columbia and all five U.S. territories, putting more than 99 percent of U.S. driver’s licenses and ID cards on the path to secure identification. Congress mandated in the REAL ID Act of 2005 that state-issued identification must be REAL ID compliant to be acceptable for official purposes.

Of course, what isn’t mentioned in this document is the battle being waged in many states against the privacy violations of REAL ID, the unfunded mandate foisted upon states in this time of depressed revenues and inflationary costs, and the resistance of the public to the surveillance demands that are unconstitutional and an invasion of privacy.

Aside from the fact that the Federal Government isn’t supposed to be dictating to the States such matters as licensing to drive, in order to attempt to force compliance DHS has threatened to keep non REAL ID citizens from boarding airplanes.

This indicates clearly to many of us how far the Federal government has come to an extreme dictatorship. It has ‘taken over’ the function and passage of the privately owned airline industry, the demands of the DHS having turned adequately paid service and safety personnel, the flight attendants, into underpaid and over-stressed front line terrorist combat forces! The demands, expectations and enforcement of the DHS into arenas that are unconstitutional and dictatorial is causing great alarm not only among airline employees and the passengers that are harrassed by high-turnover lackey DHS ‘security personnel,’ but also States who are being forced to pay for MORE unfunded mandates.

One reason is the price tag, estimated at $14.6 billion. Congress has so far appropriated only $40 million and twice this summer voted against additional funding.

“There’s also concern about how difficult it would be to implement. Critics question how states could verify the legitimacy of many foreign passports. ((Impossible to verify with any certainty!))

Conservative libertarians and liberal privacy advocates balk at the requirement that the cards would eventually have an infrared chip containing such personal information as Social Security numbers – machine readable from several feet away. While critics argue that having a central databank could dramatically increase identity theft, DHS contends the secure nature of the ID would decrease it.

So, rather than speaking the truth of the situation at the press release, Chertoff mislead the public by making it sound as though the DHS plan was going forward without opposition at all.

In truth, the objections raised by states have already prompted DHS to extend the deadline for implementation from the spring of 2008 to 2013.

If states take their citizens SERIOUSLY, and the Constitution of the United States, it is entirely possible that we can still beat this hideous surveillance of the American citizens.

9/11 would NOT have been prevented by REAL ID. Those men were in the country LEGALLY, they were PERMITTED to have licenses even under current DHS requirements, and any intelligence that had been gathered was simply ignored by our government as irrelevant. That, despite the fact that the military had, that very day, conducted identical ‘test’ drills, of planes flying into the WTC and the Pentagon; Dick Cheney ordered responsive fighter planes to STAND DOWN while these terrifying events went on.

There is FAR TOO MUCH unknown information about 9/11 to give up our rights to privacy and liberty. The government has PROVEN itself unable to act upon terrorist information in such a way as to even provide available protection DURING a known incident-in-progress as 9/11. There is no reason for us to believe that they will make any better or more effective use of intelligence gathered with REAL ID cards.

THIS is the truth: “Eight states have voted in the past year not to participate in the program. Nine others are on the record opposing the proposal. In total, legislation opposing the plan has been introduced in 38 states.

Furthermore: “”This is the federal government telling a state you must do something, and you must pay for it. Well, thanks for playing; Montana is not in,” Governor Schweitzer told NPR. When asked whether his residents will be able to board planes, he taunted DHS. “This is another bluff by some bureaucrats in D.C.

We must, through our State governments, continue to fight for an end to RFID monitoring of all types.

Fascism #4: REAL ID by 2009: Michael Chertoff vs Ron Paul

real id, rfid chip

In a press release speech given this month by Michael Chertoff, Dept of Homeland Security, he said:

“Another important 9/11 Commission recommendation was the need to make sure that driver’s licenses do not become weapons in the hands of terrorists as they were on September 11th. As you know, this past fiscal year 2008, there has been $360 million available in funding, potentially, for states that want to have support for their REAL ID efforts. This fiscal year 2009 we’re requesting $50 million to facilitate State compliance, and there will be another $150 million in grants that will potentially be available to states for this purpose in fiscal year 2009.

I want to emphasize, though, the most important contribution we have made to allow REAL ID to be implemented in a way that is efficient and not overly burdensome for the states, is our cutting of the cost of the program by three quarters through rules, changes, that we recently announced in the last few weeks. This now means that the basic cost for a REAL ID-compliant license is about $8 per license over the life of that license, and that is an amount of money that certainly is well within what we should be prepared to pay protect not only against the possibility of terrorism being facilitated with illegal licenses, but to make it harder for illegal immigrants to get licenses, and also to manage to reduce identity theft, which, of course, is a very real problem across the country.”

Making enemies of Americans, by forcing them to have REAL ID, is the fourth step in turning a weakened democracy into a fascist state. Among the many, very expensive, things that are outlined in this horrendous press release, is the plan and the strawman arguments for forcing this unwanted and expensive tracking device on we, the citizens.

As Ron Paul has plainly told us, the government has too much, and is far too easy with releasing, our personal information. The ‘secret’ social security numbers, that were NEVER to be used for any other purpose, are now in the hands, and easily accessible to anyone that can claim an employer ID number, through another program called e-verify.

He explains, “We’re requesting for fiscal year 2009 $100 million for E-Verify, an increase in $40 million. As you know, this program allows employers to use an automated system to run employment authorization checks against DHS and Social Security Administration databases. Currently, more than 50,000 companies are enrolled, and we expect that number to more than double this year. This is a proven tool that attacks one of the most common ways in which illegal aliens fraudulently obtain work in the workplace, by using phony Social Security numbers or mismatched Social Security numbers.”

Soon, no one will be able to be employed without this RFID technology.

Furthermore, the money being provided to states to cover this UNFUNDED MANDATE is only 10% of the total. In this time of decreasing tax revenues for states, because of the increasing financial difficulties of the citizens, taxpayers, and homeowners, the costs of this corporate welfare program will be foisted off on an already struggling populace.

There are so many false assumptions in this very long winded statement from Mr. Chertoff.

He also said, “Let me talk about some of our progress to date. First, we’re requesting $140 million this fiscal year to support the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative.

One terrorist incident is NOT sufficient reason to require RFID identification corresponding among THREE OR MORE COUNTRIES of Mexico, Canada and the United States, and perhaps ALL OF SOUTH AMERICA. This is a springboard for the North American Union and will be the database that will be shared among all three countries, and readily expanded to include the entire American hemisphere- both north and south.

Since when are we, as American Citizens, required to give such personal and private information to OTHER nations, especially when it is the ‘illegal use’ of such information that seems to be the ‘get around’ for illegal immigrants?

The rapid and unquestion progression of this very dangerous program is accepted by all of our representatives as a matter of course. Only Ron Paul is speaking out against this horrendous violation of our rights, and the danger of lost sovereignty that this promotes. Fascism is on the way, and is NOT being curtailed, let alone stopped, by our elected so-called ‘representatives.’

It is time for this to END. NOW.

Mexi-Chin Invasion Courtesy of NAFTA

chinese UN troops

Thanks to Billary and GHWB & son, the Panama Canal (along with all our military and nuclear tech secrets) have been turned over to China. But that doesn’t END the matter, not by a long shot!

“Radio sensing stations to track traffic and cargo up and down the I-35 NAFTA Superhighway corridor are being installed by Communist China, operating through a port operator subsidiary of Hutchison Whampoa, in conjunction with Lockheed Martin and the North America’s SuperCorridor Coalition, Inc.

The idea is that RFID chips placed in containers where manufactured goods are shipped from China will be able to be tracked to the Mexican ports on the Pacific where the containers are unloaded onto Mexican trucks and trains for transportation on the I-35 NAFTA Superhighway to destinations within the United States.

NASCO, a trade association based in Dallas, Texas, has teamed with Lockheed Martin to use RFID tracking technology Lockheed Martin developed for the U.S. Department of Defense’s projects in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as at U.S. military stations throughout the world.

China has a central position in applying the RFID technology on I-35, given Hutchinson Port Holdings’ 49 percent ownership of Savi Networks, the Lockheed Martin subsidiary that will get the job of placing the sensors all up and down the NAFTA Superhighway.”

China has, so far, amassed approximately 80,000 troops along Panama, in the Bahamas, in Mexico and in Argentina, all busy building or expanding ports to accommodate the HUGE ships that bring ‘goods’ from China- ships that are TEN TIMES the size of the largest American ships, are multi-use which means they can carry more troops, military equipment, even weapons- all with ‘trusted traveler’ status, meaning they’ll NEVER be stopped at ANY border, never inspected, never questioned.

Furthermore, the least reported and the most dangerous aspect of immigration on our southern border is that of the Mexican military itself! I quote: “between 1996 and September 30, 2006, there were 253 confirmed incursions into the United States by Mexican government personnel. The government has documented shots fired on both sides of the border, unmarked helicopters invading U.S. airspace, drug smuggling and actual confrontations between U.S. Border Patrol agents and armed members of the Mexican military.”

Not only is all this being done at taxpayer expense, and taxpayers will be charged a toll fee to use the highway themselves, they are also giving up their land for this through EMINENT DOMAIN seizure of property, regardless of the desire of the land owners.

This superhighway will be going all the way from Texas to Canada, with assorted ‘inland ports’ along the way, drop off points for foreign invasion forces that get a ‘free pass’ because THEIR radio chips will be accepted without question by our “National Security Administration.”

Why is it that the only candidate to actually address this incredibly dangerous issue, Ron Paul, is shut up, ridiculed, and defamed? Is it, perhaps, that while we are asleep looking at American Idol candidates, they are buying all the time they can to make their final dream a reality?

Tres Chic ‘Mark of the Beast’, Courtesy of the Red Dragon!

red dragon, mark of the beast, rfid chips

Here we have it folks, all the ‘beautiful people’ think that getting chip implants, made by China no less, is tres chic!

The CEO of VeriChip, Mr. Bolton, admits there is a plan to use the VeriChip as a global implantable identity system, that they are made in Beijing, that all gun owners and government employees WILL be chipped, and that you ‘cannot be a VIP without one!’

As part of experimenting with the new ‘social networking’, 50 students from our own University of Washington, will be using chips, to help the companies (and the school) figure out how they can ‘make the most’ of this technology.

The newest ‘haute couture’? Borg!

Of course, in a truth-hating Christ hating culture, what else could becoming borg be, except the ‘new rebelliousness’- the kind that has shown up in the rebirth of slavery-tattoos, zombie goth fashions, tongue splitting, genital piercings and so forth. Now it is cool to become the slaves of an unknown, but obviously evil, master.

Not just ‘pretty words’ Revelation 13: 16 & 17 says (NKJV) 16: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”


It is a martyrdom of finances and comforts of all sorts.

Are you ready to do without everything to avoid the trap from the maws of hell and a very, very dangerous and uncaring dragon?

Gain the world and lose your soul, folks.

Or stand up for yourselves while you still can.

Ron Paul is trying.  How about you?

You think this is crazy. I say that soon you’ll say “she was right!”

RFID Chips & Modern ‘Share-Cropping’

global dairy cow

Here we have one of the most productive and faithful American communities anywhere, the Amish, and they are being confronted with a hideous choice. The offer is to succumb to the Mark of the Beast, the RFID Chips, or turn their farms over for ‘modern share-cropping!’

Amish dairy farmers had invested their savings and labor into their farms and cattle in order to ensure that everything was organic, especially since the non-organic milk is dangerous to humans, and also because the demand for farm-fresh, organic and pure dairy products is growing in demand.

Make no mistake, it is an extremely expensive operation to change from former practices, clean up property from all pesticides, hormones and contaminants, and to ensure that any equipment that may be used for or in contact with the milk be free of any chemicals that may leech into the milk. It was, however, an investment worth making in the minds of the Amish.

Within months of the final transformation, where organic milk was being produced in normal, not hyper, quantities, the government had a change of heart. Thanks to the ‘voluntary’ NAIS program, all animals, including those belonging to the Amish organic dairy farmers, were forced to be chipped, or the product would never make the market!

This was a hideous turn of events, and strenuously objected to by the Amish, all to no avail. The organic milk distribution company interceded for a short time, attempting to find some way around the new regulations.

There was no flexibility at all on the part of the government, despite the fact that (for lots of constitutional reasons) radio chipping animals or humans is an absolute no-go for the Amish (and Christian) religion, for any reason.

At this time the only remaining options for these Amish farmers are 1. Getting out of the business of animal husbandry altogether. This would necessarily include the horses they rely on for transportation and farm work. 2. Share-cropping their own property, by turning the ownership of the animals over to the distributor, having RFID chipped animals on their property, and being ‘permitted’ to take a payment from the milk production for the use of the land. This would not save their horses from being chipped, and the Amish would still have chipped animals on their land. 3. Emmigrate from America to another land who has no intention of requiring RFID chips.

NAIS/RFID chips are part of Homeland Security Administration projects, that require high tech monitoring of all animal movements, including Amish horses, through chipping. The excuses of the government for such intrusive measures are all the buzzwords you’ve heard- protection from chemical/biological attacks, public health measures to protect us from unsafe food products (which has ALWAYS been a threat with Amish food, hasn’t it???) and for control of animal disease.

The fact that the programs accomplish none of these objectives, and the ‘solutions’ offered by these programs are a vast overkill of the reality of the problems we’ve actually had, and that all they actually manage to do is destroy fine and hardworking American’s lives, all has no impact of any kind on the decision making tyranny of government gone wild.

My fear is that very soon Amish communities in America will be a thing OF the past, not just ones that LIVE in the past.

A real tragedy for us all. God help us!

Christians Bringing on the ‘Mark of the Beast’ Themselves!

christian american flag

One more time, we hear about a new book proclaiming that the Mark of the Beast, implanted radio chips, is almost upon us. Everyone, including folks as technologically backwards as the Amish, know this is true and they see it coming. Some of the most popular, talked about books on the market, among Christians, are books of prophecy that proclaim the coming ‘mark of the beast’ and forewarn Christians about the dangers and how to prepare for and handle that event. However, NONE of those books make it plain that Christians are bringing on this state of affairs themselves.

Does this statement offend you? I hope not. My hope is that it wakes you up to what has been, and continues to be, the downfall of Christian souls and brings about the monster that will force upon us all the ‘mark of the beast.’

There are several ways that this has, and continues to occur.

1. Continuous and intentional DISUNITY among Christians. This is true of all denominations regardless. It is in contravention of the ONLY chapter in the Gospels that records Jesus personal prayer to God Father- John 17. Unity is already there, as Grace, in Christianity, based upon the fact that Jesus prayed for it. However, it is a grace and blessing that Christians have had no interest in. Recently some Missionary Mennonites finally decided to convert to the Catholic Church- a surprise to everyone. The reasons they gave is that no matter what church they attended, the theology was DIFFERENT in each one. They looked and looked for a church that taught consistent doctrine and found none. They grew confused and didn’t know what to believe anymore, but they believed Jesus when He said ‘I am with you to the end of the Age,’ and they sought HIM out.

In recent decades especially, Christian denominations have been formed around ‘new ideas,’ new ‘hidden findings’ that ONLY the ‘elect’ could possibly know. It is this desire for specialness and being ‘in on the secret’ that has encouraged people to throw out the truth that God has shared with humanity since Adam and Eve. It belies a profound mistrust of God, of His Spirit. This, ALL BY ITSELF, provides an enormous opening for evil to do its work of misleading the masses.

False Pride. The false pride pertaining to calling oneself a Christian means that all one needs to do is to declare a personal relationship with Christ, and all is forgiven. The responsibility given to Christians to ‘flee the devil’ and to live a life congruent with Christian principles is ignored in favor of the cheap grace of purely intellectual assent that the Bible is true. This ignores, at minimum, the entire book of James, one of the many New Testament books that Protestants wanted tossed out of the bible in the first place, and set up generations of Christians that are not ‘responsible’ for the condition of the world. Continuous criticism of other Christian denominations is a sure way to destroy Grace, as not even the Angels themselves criticize. The very idea that Christ and His Spirit has abandoned the Church until these ‘new denominations’ showed up on the scene is an abomination. Unity is foundational to Christianity, but has been destroyed by false pride. Furthermore it makes Christ a liar. Such disunity and fervent and hostile criticism has opened the door wide to evil. To the unconverted, it exposes a profound hypocrisy in Christians and in Christianity, has turned people from truth to a lie, and has put the very existence of the Church at grave risk.

2. Voting for, and keeping in power, politicians and political parties who are clearly anti-Christian. Ralph Reed quit because the Republican Party kept betraying their promises, or keeping so few of them that the downward spiral was only GAINING momentum instead of being brought to a halt. Christians have, instead of being true to their calling, sold out to the Whore of Babylon and all that it entails- particularly the global military industrial financial complex and international groups. They have been deceived repeatedly, yet did not come out as a true community and refuse to participate in the Beast any longer. They believed the lies and supported it. They have thrown out all the ‘goods’ that have been given to God’s people over the centuries (because God abandoned his people??? EVER? according to your preachers, yes!) in favor of the lies of one of the MANY HEADS of the Beast.

What are the goods that have been given to us that have been betrayed by Christians?

1. Sound money and economics. While the preachers are proclaiming a ‘Prosperity Gospel’, Christians ignored all the biblical principles of sound economics, and rather than demanding our Christian representatives to restore it (as is outlined in the Constitution itself!) they took the path of least resistance (except the Amish!) and participated fully in the false economy that has been marching down the path to bring about the Mark of the Beast PURPOSEFULLY and OPENLY.

Biblical Christian economics (NOT JEWISH ECONOMICS) is very much capitalist-producing and earning for yourselves, saving your capital and from the savings, investing further in your production capability. It is debt and loan free. What we have been conditioned to believe is capitalism has actually been ‘fiat’ money, a technique that siphons off production wealth from families and gives it to the wealthy, through usury, through fees, through taxes. In fact, THE ONLY TIME IN SCRIPTURE THAT JESUS GOT VIOLENT, was with the ‘money changers’ who practiced this form of monetary policy RIGHT IN THE TEMPLE. This false capitalism is hated by Jesus in the extreme, as it impoverishes people, destroys families, and hardens hearts toward the poor, the weak, the elderly and widows.

2. Just War Doctrine. Justice has always been front and center of the demands of God on His people, starting with the Ten Commandments and taking it from there. We believe that whole nations have been destroyed for massive violations of these principles. The Just War Doctrine was developed from Christian principles based on Justice in scripture. Yet, EVEN NOW WHEN ALL THE POLITICIANS have openly declared an abandonment of the Just War Doctrine, Christians are still entertaining which of these politicians to vote for!

3. The Constitution of the United States. Most Christians haven’t even read this document, though they can recite certain areas of Scripture chapter and verse. This ignorance has meant that when our elected officials violate the Constitution, the very document which guarantees our right to freedom of religion, Christians have no clue! Mainstream media, who Christians KNOW is a fantasy-land and propaganda lying machine, a tool of the devil; claims that people who are Constitutionalists are ‘fringe’ or ‘conspiracy theorists’ or ‘lunatics’- and Christians believe what they are told. This, despite the lies that were spoken of the Savior in Scripture and the warnings that the Anti-Christ would try to mislead even the elect.
We know that the Mark of the Beast is primarily ECONOMIC.

Unconstitutional economics, of the type practiced by the Federal Reserve, is currently destroying the American Dollar. Soon, between the increase of funding for the war and the inflationary policies of the Fed, the Dollar will actually COLLAPSE. The collapse of the dollar will destroy our economy, and create incredible hardships in every home in America.

The only solution that will be offered by our politicians is to institute the Amero, as purely electronic funds, and the price will be to give up American Sovereignty to the North American Union. In order to be able to support our families in the new consumer society, we will be required to submit to radio chips. We even have new gas pumps that won’t function unless the data in our chips is present!

What should be done? Can this be stopped? Can Christians do ANYTHING to keep this from occurring?

It may be too late, of course.

However, I believe, like Martin Luther King, that God judges nations. He himself seemed to be given a ‘word of knowledge, when he said, ” “Don’t let anybody make you think that God chose America as his divine messianic force-to-be, a sort of policeman of the whole world. God has a way of standing before the nations with judgment, and it seems that I can hear God saying to America, YOU ARE TOO ARROGANT! You don’t change your ways, I will rise up and break the backbone of your power, and I’ll place it in the hands of a NATION THAT DOESN’T EVEN KNOW MY NAME! Be still and know that I AM GOD.”

I also believe this is a TIME OF JUDGMENT for America. We will each be held accountable for our actions, even to who we vote for.

It is time to take a stand, Christian Soldiers!

All of the politicians except ONE have abandoned the Just War Doctrine. Christians, in carefully examining modern weapons usage, have declared: “Nuclear weapons are instruments of PURE EVIL. A nuclear explosion, either by design or accident, would kill massive numbers of people, create international chaos, and cripple the world economy. Nuclear weapons are DEVOID of the SLIGHTEST SHRED of moral legitimacy. Prominent jurists consider their use illegal in any possible circumstance. The nuclear weapons states are deliberately undermining the rule of law in maintaining them.”

The evil of the current system of government has been declared, OPENLY. No Christian can vote FOR PURE EVIL, no more than they can for for abortion. Observe for yourself the blood-lust of the mainstream media. Both sides cannot vote for a candidate vicious enough, for one harsh enough, one who can torture enough, who can take this evil war far enough. They proclaim that anyone who doesn’t agree isn’t ‘patriotic’ or is a ‘lunatic’ or a fringe candidate. YOU believe that as if it were MORE TRUE THAN THE GOSPEL.

This current system of government, which is NON-CONSTITUTIONAL, has given our president, no matter who it turns out to be, the ABSOLUTE, TYRANNICAL POWER to set aside the Constitution that protects us, and impose martial law with mass arrests of American Citizens, dissenters and Christians, without recourse.

Does it end there? Not by a long shot, tragically. Martin Luther King’s prophecy said, “You don’t change your ways, I will rise up and break the backbone of your power, and I’ll place it in the hands of a NATION THAT DOESN’T EVEN KNOW MY NAME!”

What country is that? China. Thanks to the political dynasties of the Bush/Clinton, the most critical infrastructure for America’s security- the Panama Canal- has been virtually turned over to China. They were given our most advanced technologies, nuclear included, given our manufacturing facilities, and given ports that have basically given them the American continents, both north and south, when they so decide to take them.

Notice that those who are playing this extremely dangerous political game are from BOTH PARTIES. Anyone who doesn’t agree with the neo-con, neo-commie game are flamed and lied about by the media, and all the ‘tube as gospel people’ believe those lies, ignore readily available true information, and vote accordingly.

Christians have played politics as if it were a game of trade-offs, a ‘give us progress on abortion and we’ll ignore the rest’ game. By playing games with evil, we have compromised Christianity itself.

Our nation stands in judgment before God, right now. We will believe in, and vote, ALL the truths we have been given or we will be held accountable. Our accountability will come in the form of ushering in the anti-Christ, without protest, and without even trying. As we sow, so we shall reap. If we don’t stop this now there will be an economic collapse, the taking of sovereignty away from three countries, power placed in the hands of a very few, nuclear war, and an invasion of our very territory by a communist country enriched and empowered to do so by our very own political parties. We will reap the consequences of our ignorance, our flaws, our disunity.

Providence has given us ONE candidate that speaks the truth of these dreadful turns of events, and while Ron Paul has come out of nowhere, he has a REAL chance of winning, in spite of the lies the media feeds you. We have an OBLIGATION to vote for TRUTH, to support and demand the goods that God has given us through the centuries, to be true to our calling.