Margaret Schaut

One more conservative viewpoint on the world at large.

Archive for diebold

George Bush, Bin Laden & the Legacy that Wasn’t

w00t! George Bush has ordered up ‘special forces’ to go after Bin Laden, all to be sure that ‘before he leaves office’ (IF he leaves office, a very big ‘if’), he will have a ‘legacy.’

As Mr Bush arrived in Britain today on the final leg of his eight-day farewell tour of Europe, defence and intelligence sources in Washington and London confirmed that a renewed hunt was on for the leader of the September 11 attacks. “If he [Bush] can say he has killed Saddam Hussein and captured Bin Laden, he can claim to have left the world a safer place,” said a US intelligence source.

Not only is he ordering up special forces, he expects the BRITISH special forces to offer up their lives for this, perhaps giving them an equally impressive ‘bone’ in the war on terror, making the world a safer place too, since they were almost the only allies America had in this fight.

Its necessary to change the focus, isn’t it, from THIS legacy:

The truth is that senior officials in the United States government sought information on aggressive techniques, twisted the law to create the appearance of their legality, and authorized their use against detainees. In the process, they damaged our ability to collect intelligence that could save lives.”

Impeachment, torture, criminal charges, the gutting of the Constitution and Bill of Rights just doesn’t cut it.

This, of course, MUST be spun. It wouldn’t be politics if this wasn’t spun SOMEHOW:

Apparently, an industry the very essence of which is to try to convince people that a turkey is really an eagle has a rule that condemns lying.

The Public Relations Society of America states: “We adhere to the highest standards of accuracy and truth in advancing the interests of those we represent…” This clause strikes me as if the Burglars Association of America had as its creed “Thou Shalt Not Steal.”

Show me a PR person who is “accurate” and “truthful,” and I’ll show you a PR person who is unemployed.

The reason companies or governments hire oodles of PR people is because PR people are trained to be slickly untruthful or half-truthful. Misinformation and disinformation are the coin of the realm, and it has nothing to do with being a Democrat or a Republican.

But what, exactly, is the spin? That the truth about Bin Laden cost a Democratically elected individual her life, her being assassinated within days of this interview 6 months ago, where she reveals that not only was Bin Laden killed, but the name of the man who killed him:

Benazir Bhutto died for this interview. Now, who, exactly, was it that KILLED HER??? Couldn’t be just coincidence, could it?

On the other hand, if our intelligence is in such bad shape that our President doesn’t know that Bin Laden is dead, then what the hell are we paying for? David Frost found out something HE didn’t know??? That the British Government didn’t know???

If power DOES change hands; if Diebold gives the election to McCain; we can see the most extensive list of pardons in American history!

McCain can’t win on his own. Obama will take it all, except for third party voters. Therefore, if McCain wins it will be because the powers-that-be never want the truth to see the light of day. Go GOP.

Shelob’s Lair: Depression Looming, Bankers & GOP Regrets, Biometric Surveillance

Shelob's Lair

All in a few days, Articles of Impeachment are filed against our president and buried; Ron Paul removes himself from the Presidential Race; the GOP is regretting it pre-selected McCain; the global bankers are tenderly advising us that a global depression is forthcoming that ‘they just couldn’t foresee’ and our unimpeached President issues YET ANOTHER unconstitutional executive order– this time to force us all to give over total biometric, financial, health, and virtually EVERY OTHER FORM OF INFORMATION ABOUT US into a biometric, implantable chip.

Couldn’t just be coincidence, could it?

The biometric data will include:

Biometric technologies use electronic means to capture individual-specific data on physical characteristics, including fingerprints, eye retina scanning, face recognition mapping and body imaging…
The contextual data that accompanies biometric data includes information on date and place of birth, citizenship, current address and address history, current employment and employment history, current phone numbers and phone number history, use of government services and tax filings.

Other contextual data may include bank account and credit card histories, plus criminal database records on a local, state and federal level. The database also could include legal judgments or other public records documenting involvement in legal disputes, child custody records and marriage or divorce records.

This is certainly the path to a global or regional currency outside of the American dollar, and a means by which control of all Americans will be gained.

Truckloads of information, much of which was never broadly available before without your knowledge, or you providing it yourself, such as histories, legal disputes, CUSTODY records.

If it looks like McCain will lose, and there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to think he can win without Diebold’s help, we may very well be looking at the first time that American governance did NOT change hands during the proper election cycle.

Therefore, all the biometric data (hailed as a great medical good) which includes your personal history, who your family members are, what you own, what areas your life may not be ‘legally perfect’ – all put into the hands of multiple, global government agencies and financial institutions, provides all kinds of means by which you can be controlled- through threats against the safety of your family, through late child-support payments, through failing to license your dog!

Impeaching Bush? Well either the Washington Post AND Dana Milbank are utterly incompetent and should be driven out of business on a rail, or their complaint that Cheney would then become the President is another media whitewash. Those particular impeachment articles have been sitting in the so-called ‘judiciary committee’ for ages- all that’s needed is to blow off the dust and rid America of BOTH traitors.

All they give US is crap- crappy candidates, idiots who know NOTHING and won’t learn; candidates who care nothing about our country or the people in it, our heritage or our rights.

No, the puppet-masters don’t want us to win this battle, and they’re using every nasty trick in the book to keep us from it.

It will be the battle from the maws of hell but, as Galadriel told Frodo, “Even the smallest person can make a difference.”

We shall see, won’t we?

Light for the Battle